Sunday 7 August 2011

Something smells here.............from Rico

Something is rotten, and it's HERE not in the State of Denmark!

Here are a couple examples:

1. COMEX (affectionately known as CRIMEX by sentient beings) regularly and blatantly manipulates the paper 'spot' markets for precious metals. After all, in a futures/options world where you are 'betting' on future commodity prices, what better way to "win" than to rig the game?
- Anyone remember Andrew McCarthy's testimony? Never heard of it? Understood. Amy Winehouse and other important (and distracting) 'news' was covered more extensively.

Demonstrating "the Chicago way" roughly 4.926 million tons of 'paper' silver was deposited to SLV yesterday. Look at what happened to the COMEX.
- Anyone seen ANY regulators from the SEC around? Nawww, I thought not. Manipulation? What manipulation?

2. SOCIAL SECURITY also demonstrates "the Chicago way" nicely. Your mis-Administration running low on money? No problemo dude, we'll just 'cook' the books and take it outta Grannie's and Grampa's hide. They'll never figure this one out! Besides, we're the Government, what are they gonna do?
Nope, NO inflation here so no need to 'adjust' SocSec! We all know that the prices of food, fuel, etc aren't increasing...oh, wait, those items aren't figured into the inflation index...and a 'chained' index actually reduces the numbers anyway. Huzzah!!
- Anyone notice the suspiciously FLAT lines on this chart? Yeah, the ones that coincide with Bonny Barry's regency. Nice, huh? Again, manipulation? What manipulation?

It has often been said that "figures lie, and liars figure." Well folks, we have the best of "CHANGE, Chicago-style" thanks to the current crop of effin' LIARS!

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