Wednesday 24 August 2011

Spreading it around.............from Rico

Spreading it around.
- The 'wealth' that is. Music to a Socialists ears. What manure!!
Here is a small 'example' of it.


My telephone bill went up. Not by a lot, but enough to notice. Being curious, and aware that I had done nothing unusual or untoward (like placing an operator-assisted call to thre moon to converse with Michelle who was reputed to be there on 'vacation' using one of our newly retired Space Shuttles), I looked more closely at my bill.

AHA!!! There, buried in the very 'fine' print and almost invisible, was the answer:
- The Federal fee increased July 1st to "subsidize low-income families."

Well, don't I feel better knowing that at least my TAX didn't go was only a "FEE" that went up....and I guess I'm not low-income enough, so I can subsidize the 'common good' more than I had already been doing.
- Someone has to pay for those 'free' government-provided cell phones for the poor.

When there are more pie-takers eating the "free pie" than there are pie-makers, you run out of pie and the pie-eaters riot. Winston Churchill had it absolutely correct when he said "There are two places where Socialism will work; in Heaven where it is not needed, and in Hell where they already have it."

Welcome to MY world, the United Socialist States of America.

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