Thursday 1 September 2011

Chicago, Illinois................from Rico

Illinois. Chicago.

BOTH bastions of political corruption and models for "progressive" and Keynesian thinking [read: useful idiots].
- It was via Chicago that our Indonesian pResident came. Remember WHO is Mayor of Chicago today? [I call him Rohm Enamel, one of Barry's bestest butt-buddies.]

Today I serve kudos upon the Governor of Illinois, however. Deep thinking "progressive" that he is, he raised taxes again! Look at what THAT'S done for the hapless subjects of Illinois. JOB KILLER!
- He has masterfully 'done' for the State what Al Capone did for Chicago with his tommy gun!
- Worse, Illinois-Chicago style "high taxes-over spending-red tape" will likely serve as Barry's template for further 'fixing' our problems. Oh YAY! Chris Mathews may get 'tingly' in his leg again, but the rest of us should be suffering advanced colo-rectal itching at the prospect.

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