Friday 30 September 2011


Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up

Vietnam, from the USS Oxford

Frank and Louie and Heidi and Heidi Klum

With DADT repealed, attention turns to the Max Klingers in the ranks

Why Obama Supports Amnesty For ILLEGALS

A moment of sniper zen...

CDR Salamander​: Diversity Thursday II: Electric Boogaloo

Peace in our time watch: Rumble off Cyprus

AK-74 dismissed by the army

BAE offers Eurofighte​r Typhoon to Japan

Politifact​, WaPo: No, Obama is the “undispute​d debt king”

Let Bygones Be « Neptunus Lex

Indonesian Islam And Nahdlatul Ulama Without Camouflage

How's that 'smart diplomacy' working out for you, Barry?

Federal retirement plans almost as costly as Social Security

Poll: Obama down in key states (so is GOP)

Supreme Court term could influence 2012 election

Little threat to Earth from big asteroid

New Zealand loses its AAA status

U.S. denies border-fen​ce plan, despite report

Mexico mulls two-year marriages, drawing ire of Catholic Church

'Underwear bomber' trial revives security debate

Global warming: New study challenges carbon benchmark

Obama OK with election being referendum on him:

Report says women are U.S. economy's 'secret weapon'

19th century 'Protestan​t work ethic' at heart of Europe's North/Sout​h debt crisis split

Document shows how phone cos. treat private data

Michael Coren & Harley Sims On Frank Miller's "Holy Terror" Jihadi Killin Super Hero

Obamacare endgame: DOJ appeals mandate to SCOTUS

Half Baked: UC Berkeley’s diversity machine loses its mind over cupcakes.

America loses patience with Pakistan

Brussels threatens to sue Britain to let in 'benefit tourists'

George Medal for paratrooper who risked life in minefield to rescue wounded comrade

Libya: Gaddafi mouthpiece caught 'fleeing dressed as a woman'

US ambassador to Damascus attacked by Syrian mob

Hugo Chavez in hospital 'for kidney failure'

Red October no more: Russia scraps Cold War-era Typhoon submarine

Fat bobbies to 'escape annual fitness tests'

EU fraud and 'irregularities' hit £1.6 billion

Muslim Brotherhood joins in threat to boycott Egypt election

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not fair ... I thought it said 'Fat boobies'. geeesh!