Thursday 8 September 2011

Obvious attempt to derail gold.............from Rico

Look at this chart and say to yourself "this is a normal trading action." [keeping a straight face]

At such a size, at such an unusual hour, no sane trader would do such a thing...only a fool or a Central Banker(s) would be this incompetent.
No, despite the 'spin' already gathering this is a blatant attempt to convince us that prettily-engraved slips of paper have value, while the yellow metal does not (and that Benny and his colleagues actually know what they are doing; all is well, move along, nothing to see here schnooks...).


And it's purely coincidence that the Swiss national Bank just acted to remove itself as a safe haven and 'cap' the Swissie* to prop up a dying Euro, and the Teleprompter of the US is scheduled to 'read' us his plan [yawn] to......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

*Anyone holding Swiss Francs woke up poorer, while those smart enough to be holding Gold woke up richer. Hmmmmm. This tell 'ya anything folks?

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