Saturday 15 October 2011

Happy Holidays?.................from Rico

Happy Holidays?
- If you're a retailer, or a consumer, maybe not so fast sparky.....

The five busiest container ports in the US have lower volumes in 2011 than 2010.
Rail traffic reflects this, as does the drop in truck fuel usage.

Shoppers do not see it, the employment/labor market doesn't see it, nor do the MENSA candidates (Congress) see it.

Yet - these are exactly the kind of 'indicators' our media presstitutes should be pointing out to us, instead of 'cheerleading' a fakey-phoney-baloney 'recovery' hype led by this current misAdministration.
- This kind of data, these facts, say things are NOT getting better for us.

Does this look like the 'recession' is over, and there is a 'recovery' underway to you?

Bring back Lord Haw-Haw for some comedic relief, please!
- Barry, and Timmy, and Benny are getting tiresome.

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