Sunday 23 October 2011

Muammar, Dead at last

There were at last count at least 643 ways to spell Muammar Gaddafi and I for one am very happy he is dead for that reason alone. The fact that he was the dictator of Libya for over forty years, funded the Lockerbie bombing of a Pan Am airliner and other terrorist acts also contributes to the good news.

"Gaddafi wasn't any worse than the barbarians that killed him and will replace him. There are no freedom-loving democrats in the entire Muslim world which consists of seventh century-minded brutes." -- Ted Belman, the Israpundit

To read the entire commentary, click here


thehawkreturns said...

Muslims cannot be democrats. The Koran commands only one way of thinking and it isn't put to any vote.

PacRim Jim said...

He put Gaddafi on the run.
Another notch on the Kenyan's gun.