Sunday 16 October 2011

Thoughts...............from Brian

There comes a time when you back up and regroup. Politicaly that seems to be expedient, Rommy was never top of my list, not once, Bachman well let us just say, not gonna happen, Perry? well on paper he might be a good candidate but his fumble in debates can not be dismissed. Cain? Herman Cain? At first I was suspect, now I cast a jaundiced eye.

Thing is after a few debates and listening to his speaches i am becoming a fan,, yea yea I know a bit early to pick a horse in this race, but come on, this is a race of cripples,(no offence ment I am 90% disabled myself) they all have problems. Thing is Politics aside, the fate of OUR Country comes into play and for the life of me I can not figure out why Rommy, Bachman and Perry need to be running, according to thier platforms and thier debates the currrent crisis is just an easy fix all we have to do is elect them, They say we need Leadership. Therein lies the problem, I say we need Representatives. Not leaders,

We The People are the leaders and they are supposed to "Represent Us". I do not think I am wrong about this, read the "Federalist Papers". or read the Constitution, both will show you a new light on what we are seeing.

Right now, Herman Cain is the only person I see that has embraced what our founding Fathers put all thier money and and blood into, some,, if you actualy know history gave thier life for it.

How many today would stand so firm, stand so fast that life is worth thier liberty?

Few if any. Well ok few, there is a few core Americans that abide by and embrace Liberty Or Death. I think you will find they are also the ones that put on the uniform and fight or fought for Liberty.

To Sum up. Out of the field of so called Republican Candidates my belief is Herman Cain is a patriot and the others only wear a badge saying that.


the botnet said...

I'm with you. Cain had better not fumble, since Romney is a milksop.

Andrew Ian Dodge said...

I have met Cain & chatted for a bit with him at an event at the Goldwater Institute early this year. He is a genuine likable fellow and a nice guy to boot.

The Tea Party Patriots of which I was a part had this guy speak at their events early on. He is very good at articulating the TPP's core values and concerns for a new President.

The left establishment doesn't like him, the old guard Republican establishment doesn't either and the Black establishment loathes him... all things that both endear him to many and will make it hard for him.

Most desperate play against him this week: claiming he ripped off 999 from SimCity.

thehawkreturns said...

Nice to see some of you are catching up with me. Cain is the only GOP candidate who isn't a nut. Beyond that he is smart, experienced and expounds true American values.