Sunday 2 October 2011

Topless Protesters at SlutWalk in New York City

Well, that would have been some protest.

See: "SlutWalk NYC Protests Rape Culture and Sexual Violence."

Follow the links to the topless photos.

1 comment:

LifeoftheMind said...

The Socialists and "gender equality advocates" are issue parasites, but there is an issue. Unfortunately for the Left it is counter to their desires. The problem is the coarsening of society under the influence of the Left and the importation of 3rd World misogyny into Western cities. The growth of Islamic enclaves has accompanied the increase of rapes in many cities. No one is harmed by Theo's totty.

To bad for the Slutfest protestors that they got knocked off the news by the mass convergence of the dimwitted at Occupy Wall Street.