Wednesday 12 October 2011

Two for the price of one...........from Rico

Many who are too busy working (to support themselves and pay their taxes) to waste time being 'useful idiots' attending the "Occupy" protests have already figure it out.
- The rest simply remain clueless.

Figured what out?
- Clueless about WHAT?

That having two political parties is an elaborate hoax. A con job. We only have two sides of the same coin...and both sides are owned by their paymasters (otherwise known as the 'smart' money).

For any under the false impression that Party X [pick and initial here, it matters not which one...D or R] is not entirely "owned" by Wall Street [read: Goldman, Merrill, and Morgan Stanley] take a good look at where the money comes from and to where it goes.

By following the money, it's easy to see who works for whom.
- This is exactly why Wall Street was bailed-out at the expense of Main Street, and why the interests of the common voter are routinely ignored by their so-called representatives.

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