Tuesday 29 November 2011

The never-endi​ng story............from Rico

This never-ending story would be funny, hilarious even, if it were a TV sitcom...or happening to anyone else. (Say, to Lower Slobovia or any one of the looney tunes/merry melodies Muslim dictatorships, just NOT here and NOT to us!)

So, prominent Democrat (C) Congressional fag, moron, and, corrupticrat supreme Bawney Fwank is retiring from his position as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.
- Good riddance I said.

Until I realized who was the #2 on that Committee....uggggghh! Democrat (C) from Left-coast California (from Rodney King's LA) Maxine Waters! Corrupt, racist, and Marxist all writ large!
- She is already making noises that she wants the top spot.

Apologies. It's NOT racist for a Communist black woman to hate ALL white people, just for conservatives of ANY hue to despise her for being a RED!

Here are some of her deep thoughts.
- In a 2004 hearing: "We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae..."
- To oil company executives in 2008: "This liberal would be about...basically taking-over, and government running all of your companies..."


Animal said...

Actually, since the GOP took back the House in 2010, Bawney is only the ranking minority member of the Financial Services Committee. That's what Maxine Waters (who should always be addressed by her complete title, 'that idiot, Maxine Waters') will be in his place.

Anonymous said...

I hope they do put her in charge of the Committee. Every syllable she utters in front of a camera costs progressives a hundred votes.

Mr Mayor said...

Franks isn't the chairman of any committee. He is the ranking Dem
of this committee. Spencer Baucus
of Alabama (R) chairs it.