Tuesday 1 November 2011


Singing the global warming blues

CDR Salamander​: The press and Iraq

A Tale of Two (More) Bankruptci​es « Hot Air

The Perfect Storm, 20 years later

Afghan-Ind​ian agreement heralds a strategic shift in the region

Iraq: Shaping US Plans After Withdrawal (PDF)

U.S. Gulf buildup would be imprudent: Iran foreign minister

Like a salami, a slice at a time ...

EagleSpeak​: I think this is a bad idea: "Promotion boards to look at energy efficiency​"

Number of “working groups” now governing Occupy Wall Street: 79 and counting

OWS protesters at Zuccotti complain about those ‘occupying​’ their park

Iraqi police K-9s over worked, poor food since American withdrawal

US Forces to leave Iraq by Christmas

Interior did not get the helicopter​s, and owns half of its armor

Ride Fast, Roll Easy

The enemy is inside the wire

1-84 Field Artillery Regiment trade food for weapons in Faryab

The Steady Drip: Liberalism Destroys Families and Nations

CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama

Greece to hold referendum on EU debt deal

British troops to hand over security of former Taliban stronghold Nad-e-Ali

US withdraws Unesco funding after it accepts Palestinian membership

£13,000 police drone lost after crashing into River Mersey

Tehran mayor plotting to seize British ambassador's residence and gardens

Syrian protesters call on Nato as security forces raid a university

Libya: Al Qaeda flag flown above Benghazi courthouse

Another no-go area in Londonistan

Guns and Liberty

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