Tuesday 1 November 2011

Recovery? It's not over yet.............from Rico

Happy Days!

The "recovery" asserted by our lad Beery & Co. is NOT over quite yet.

Here's why I say so. (Ignore the lying corrupticrat politicians who tell you otherwise in hopes of being re-elected.)

Real estate prices are down ~35% from peak so far.....but wait! There's more!

A 50-75% drop from peak-to-trough is not out of the question.
- In 1932 prices fell ~67% and stayed at those levels until the end of that depression.

Lucky US, since we're told by the brain trust running things that we're not in a depression, and not in a recession.
- Since US debt as a % of GDP has already exceeded the 1933-level, figure it out for yourselves.

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