Sunday 20 November 2011

The Sunday Best............

The 13 Countries That Own the World’s Gold

Occupy Pensacola protester charged with burglary, theft of furniture

Liberals, Israel and Disaster

Perry: Yep, last time I checked, Barack Obama is still a socialist

The Navy, the Marine Corps, and Celebrities

Victoria’s Secret Blows It

Fate of U.S. Base Raises Tensions Around Iraqi Kurdistan

Top 20 Most Beautiful Women 2011 Rule 5

Saif Gaddafi must face justice for role in 'barbaric' reign of terror in Libya

Wind farms are useless, says Duke

Pressure mounts on Lottery to give more for war memorials

The euro is a macro-economic weapon of mass destruction - it simply must be defused

Egypt police clash with protesters ahead of vote

Dead at 15 - the schoolboy whose murder shows how Syria's cycle of violence is spinning out of control

Eurocrats threaten strike as eurozone faces disaster

Rahul Gandhi, brave new hope for future of India's dynasty, steps forward

The Occupy movement has failed the essential test of protest

The BBC's hidden 'warmist' agenda is rapidly unravelling

The tide of history is now flowing against the euro

Bullets – and bones – found in Soviet tank

Newt Rips Into OWS: ‘Go Get a Job Right After You Take a Bath’

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood, Protesters, Police in bloody clashes ahead of vote

Occupy Protesters Hold Moment of Silence For Man Accused of Shooting at The White House


and finally..........

Maggie's Scientific Autumn Poll #2: What firearms do you own?

Doc's Computin' Tips: The back-up drive

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