Sunday 4 December 2011

Why not...............from Rico

Great "example" of a government...let's use "regime" here...gone amok.
- The ONLY mosque makeovers we ought to be thinking about are placing beacons on them to use as target practice sites for smart bombs and cruise missiles.

WHY would any sane person even consider this? To make "friends" with people who want to kill us for being infidel non-believers?
- Couldn't have anything to do with our boy Barry being a flaming Muslim. Naw.....

WHY NOT give the taxpayer money BACK to whence it came...the taxpayer?
- No, I don't mean a couple million to everybody in the US (which would be wealth-redistribution) but a line on the tax return ADDING a refund of a few million TO any taxPAYER?

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