Sunday 1 January 2012

Arson Fires Set Los Angeles on Edge

These are vicious attacks.

See: "Police, Firefighters Brace for Arson on New Year's Eve."

It's still six hours until New Year's Day on the West Coast.

Check back for breaking updates.


Bill said...

It has already begun in earnest. See here:

Perhaps it is time to add to the list of capital crimes. Or, to make it a lot less expensive, allow the police to shoot down arsonists on the spot.

Anonymous said...

So far from where I am in cal. it is nice and quite. Course it is 1\2 hour till midnight plus 1 second to go.
Staying home and playing Skyrim, what a game this is to play and WATCH as it unfolds before you.
No one left I know to party with this year. They have all left this Universe and left me behind.
Fair winds and following seas to them.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year 2012, a few happy new years a few fire works, I do hope they ARE fireworks.
So far mostly quite here at home. from the Skyrim player.
May this year coming up be so much better than last year.
Hopefully better then the last 10 years.