Monday 30 January 2012

Killer Carb's...............from Rico

I very well remember the huge media 'blitz' starting back in the early 1980's that 'fat' was BAD for you, but carbohydrates were not.

There was a marked 'shift' away from butter to margarine, and from saturated fats to UNsaturated products.
- There was a 'trust'...even a naivete...that if you heard it on the news, read it in the paper, and the Government said so too, that it must be true and factual so people heeded this call to eat according to the newly introduced (by Sen Goerge McGovern from a grain-producing state btw) USDA 'food pyramid.' It was an extremely carbohydrate-heavy pyramid, stressing a lot of grains, etc., and this would make us healthier we were told.

Yeah. Sure. decades later it hasn't delivered as promised.
- Well, not for the public anyway (just go to Walmart any time and look around).
- What this scam DID deliver were pretty sweet profits for the manufactures of 'food products' and 'faux-food.' Heavily-processed stuff.

No one back then put the picture together that corporate profits had been placed above public health.
- It's pretty clear now though. (A lot like tobacco companies paid Doctors to advertise the health benefits and safety of cigarettes once upon a time. The money generated by big tobacco bought a lot of media and politicians...just like today). Translation: we were LIED to.

I'll quit 'ranting' now and get to the point. I've attached one of the very BEST graphics I've yet run across explaining why eating fat does not make you fat, but eating carbohydrates does.
- Especially noteworthy are some 'examples' of products/foods that contribute to America's obesity and diabetes problems today. Gee, 'ya think' the soda manufacturers, food processers, et al, are making a nice sum of money selling us their chemical-laden junk?

My "take away" from this is pretty much what it has been for some time now:
- The closer the food is to it's natural state, the better it is for you.
- The more a food has been 'processed' handled, and had additives added to it, the worse it is for you.

I really DO buy into you are what you eat, and what many of us are eating today is absolutely killing us.

Click to embiggen and enjoy.


PacRim Jim said...

Plants contain phytochemicals designed to protect them from being eaten. Though one's liver takes care of most of them, damage is done over time.
Face it: Everything you eat is bad for you, to some degree, and in one way or another. It's a matter of minimizing damage, not avoiding it.

drew458 said...

A nice big easy-read version:

Atkins works, and it works best if you work too. I did it while doing a 3 month manual labor job, and lost 58lbs. It was hard but worth it. Now it's time to do it again, 8 years of lazy eating later.