Friday 6 January 2012


Global Warming Weekly Round-Up, Jan. 5th 2012

The Mideast For Dummies & U.S. Officials Too

The Unaware, Undecided and Indifferent will Choose Our President

A Pittsburgh Steeler Has Communist Blood?

IDF unveils Magic Wand anti-missi​le system

Taliban Prisoner Release A Premature, Dangerously Naive Move

Christmas Saboteurs

BLACKFIVE: Reminder: WaPo, not Military, Created Jessica Lynch Myth

Iran’s growing state of desperatio​n

Chinese Airlines Boycott EU Carbon Tax

Airlines’ latest fee hike exposes flaws of carbon trading

BLACKFIVE: PTSD Did Not Make Crazed Gunman "Crazed"

Occupy DC: Rats joining a sinking ship?

U.S. to cut armed forces – Obama

BLACKFIVE: I'm Cutting the $#!T Out of Your Budget

Unsung Heroes « Neptunus Lex

Pelosi: I’m darned proud of Obama for making these illegal recess appointmen​ts

Rick Perry to 'Reassess' Campaign (Update: He's Staying In)

Sang Froid « Neptunus Lex

GM to “call back” 8,000 Chevy Volts for “structura​l modificati​ons” related to battery fires

Screws tighten on Iran as big buyers shun its oil

JPAC Mission Schedule

Sweden Recognizes File-Sharing as a Religion

English like wot it should be spoke

U.S. spent more than $3 million on Agent Orange claim, found nothing

Obama's Reelection Strategy: Bypass Congress

Shocking Upset!:Tebow's Broncos 24 Steelers 14

Sheriff Joe to Eric Holder: ‘Prove it!’

In Mocking Santorum, Eugene Robinson Reveals A Sickness in Our Society

Could Typo Rewrite Caucus History?

Newt Gingrich—GOP’s Anti-White Quota King

Syria: Arab League monitors have made 'mistakes', says Qatari prime minister

Can Iran close down the Strait of Hormuz?

Burma sanctions 'will not be lifted until political prisoners are released'

Syria: Arab League must press for UN-enforced no-fly zone, main opposition leader says

Gunmen kill five in latest attack on Nigerian church

The Danger Debt Poses to the Western World

Into the jungle with... a blancmange?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"U.S. spent more than $3 million on Agent Orange claim, found nothing."

Tell that to my 6-buddies (grunts and cannon-cockers) who were in contact with orange in the nam.

Oops, can't do that they all died of cancer in their early 50's!