Monday 9 January 2012

Pic Dump........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The photo on the left, second from the top is the park below Edinburgh castle, called West Princes street gardens is a fantastic place. It's kept spotless and the lawn is very well manicured.

I've strolled this park many times over the past 41-years.

My very first visit to this beautiful city was in May of 1970. It was then I, as a young lad visiting Edenburgh, I met Margaret Ferguson a wild, red-haired pretty Scot. We became constant companions from the very begining.

One warm evening after most of the visitors had gone and the twilight was turning to darkness we made passionate love in a secluded area of this park.

It was an evening I'll never forget. Heck, it took me a week to get the grass stains off my elbows and knees.