Sunday 1 January 2012

Thoughts To Ponder From The Feckless OWS Set

H/T Robo6puck


Anonymous said...

I remember this from around 1965 or so. This is an old cartoon from the days of the revolution of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Many hippies of that day followed this cartoons idea in stealing from the rich tax payer then protesting that the rich did not give them enough when their hands were out groping for other peoples belongings.
And wouldn't you know they are there again by another name ows. Still after all these decades they still will not clean up after themselves. All a bunch of BBFN.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Theo for the memories.

I saw this very same cartoon around 1968 and it was aimed at the "hippie" of that era, who coincidently are the grey-haired, golf-playing, world-traveling bankers and politicians of today!

So maybe there's hope for the 21st century parasites, as well.