Sunday 8 January 2012

Who Is Behind The "Price Tag" Operation?...............

David Bedein is a veteran Israeli newsman and investigative journalist. Since 1987, Bedein has been briefing the international media on events in Israel as bureau chief of the Israel Resource News Agency, which reports from a fresh perspective – without the usual left-leaning media bias. In the wake of a new wave of “settler violence,” Mr. Bedein is embarking on a new assignment. He’s looking for a few good men or women, Israeli or Arab journalists, to determine who exactly is behind this "price tag" fire. If you can help his efforts with a few dollars or shekelim you could be making history. Believe me, there’s more here than meets the eye.

Dan Friedman

'Our agency seeks a sponsor to hire a team of reporters to investigate, expose and reveal who is behind the "price tag" operation.

Two Shabbatot ago, on December 24th, 2011, a resident of Maaleh Shomron
was ambushed by automatic weapons fire as he drove his car out of the community.

The resident somehow survived the attack.

The story made headlines for the next two hours, on Shabbat.

Then someone entered a mosque in a village next to Beit El - on Shabbat - spray-painted a slogan on the wall, took a professional JPG photo of the slogan and sent it to the entire media within 20 minutes.

The spray-painted slogan became the item that led the news on Saturday night, not the bullet ridden vehicle of a Jewish resident.

Now that is a professional operation.

Who 'is behind that?

A Settler PR firm?

Santa Claus?

The tooth fairy?

Or the "Jewish section" of Israeli intelligence?

That is what we must find out and expose.'

David Bedein


Israel Resource News Agency

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