Monday 13 February 2012

The difference................from Rico

Many Americans are debating whether there is any difference between Romney and that Barry Soetoro guy who calls himself Obama.
- Most have already concluded that there is NO difference between them (Obamacare, Romneycare...they are both BIG Government supporters).

On the other hand, I think I have discerned ONE difference between the two men:
- Barry smokes

1 comment:

Scott said...

So Rico, please enlighten us...Since, you don't mind tearing down the front-runner who is polling the best against Obama nationally. Who is your boy-wonder? Newt? Santorum? Paul? No difference between Romney and Obama? We know Romney was born in the United States. We know he wasn't raised in a foreign land by a foreign adopted father. We know what Romney did as an undergrad. He was valedictorian out of BYU...Not a mean feat in itself. Pretty sure he's not going to celebrate Ramadan in the WH. Pretty sure he will take a serious approach to the nation's problems rather than let the Republican equivelent to Reid and Pelosi develop his policy for him. Pretty sure people like Andy Stern of the SEIU and George Soros aren't going to have revolving door privelages in the WH. I doubt Romney, a family man who raised five sons, will appoint a pedophile like Kevin Jennings as safe schools czar. Pretty sure Romney will fire HS Secretary Napolitano and take returning combat vets off the watch list for suspected terrorists. And probably most importantly, since Mitt worked in the private sector where the bottom line is sacrosanct, I think he can do a lot to bring our out of control Federal budget back on a course of fiscal sanity. Sorry Rico, this election is hugely important. We don't need meaningless soundbytes worthy of a ten year old's imagination guiding voters...I've been reading this blog for years and I still can't tell why Theo waste his time with you.