Saturday 31 March 2012

Duct Tape Policies............from Rico

Duct tape policies of piling debt upon debt, shifting debt to government balance sheets, debt monetization, and currency debasement has lead to international currency devaluations (in real terms, while in nominal terms maintaining the illusion of "everything is OK, I can handle this" foisted upon us by the Central Bankers).

So far, end Q1 2012:

Gold bullion (not the fraudulent paper stuff sold by JP Morgan as GLD) is +6.3% in Dollars, +3.2% in Euros, +3.1% in Pounds, +2.25% in Swissies, and +12% in Yen.

Silver bullion (not the paper stuff sold by HSBC as SLV) is +16% in Dollars, +12% in Euros and Pounds, +7% in Swissies, +20% in Yen.

This trend looks set to continue as fiat currency debasement continues. Doubt me? While it's little remarked upon, the FED is now purchasing over 61% of USG new debt issuance.

But GO AHEAD and listen to Warren Buffet and Ben Bernanke who pimp for the spendthrift politicians, shill for Keynesian fiat currency, and bash precious metals. They surely MUST have your best interests at heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...