Wednesday 14 March 2012

Look into it................from Brian

Wirecutter, something has been bothering me for years, I see one of the greatest Shake Downs in Human History going on and yet never once has this made the News.

I am talking about what happens when someone Marries a Military Member. Once that member retires A spouse gets a percentage of his retirement after a divorce. TAX FREE while the member pays taxes on the whole.

What this means is, if you marry for ten years a member and push them to gain rank, you are pushing for a free check for life from the GOV while at the same time making sure those that raised their hands and swore allegiance to pay for it, get little or nothing..

For Example: If you were married for ten years or more ,,divorce and the spouse retires you get 50% before taxes, this means at a tax rate of whereever you fit, your getting less than 1/4 of your retirement, and the x-spouse is living large and the Member who laid his life on the line, who made an Oath, who Signed the dotted line is shafted so hard, the Military will NOT brief members on it and keep it secret.

Thing is, you can Die, but the x-spouse will get it for LIFE, even if they remarry, no matter your life was so distraught you deserve what the military member fought for, I mean after all, moving sucks, and finding a new job was hard, I mean what the heck, you did not serve, you divorced a member that should count for something ,,,right,,,RIGHT???.

This is so bad, there is a Web Site that tells people that want this, how to marry twice and receive full retirement from the military and never once raise your hand, spill your Blood, or ever FREAKIN Serve.

And yet, for life we pay for this, Hmm do Senators have this rule?

HA HA HA HA,, no ONLY Military. Tell me this is Fair.. go ahead say that to my Face.

Brian In Florida

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But Brian, on the other hand, you do get to shoot people and blow shit up. Small consolation, but it's something at least.