Wednesday 7 March 2012

The #VRWC Report, gas pains in Obamaville

Of course Obama wants higher gas prices. They're part of his long-term plan to get us out of our cars and into U.N. approved "sustainable" communities. There's only one way to reduce the price of gasoline, defeat Barack Obama in November. Remember that.

Rise of the Obamavilles: Tent cities for the homeless are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy.

While all eyes are on the presidential election, it's good to remember that the down-ticket races are just as important. Even on national issues such as religious liberty, in the end all politics is local. Make you vote count.

Hedging their bets? Gun sales boom in anticipation of Obama's re-election.

Michelle Obama's latest healthy school lunch initiative: Let 'em eat pink slime.

If you liked NCLB (No Child Left Behind), you'll fall in love with ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act). Obama's replacement for NCLB imposes a de facto national curriculum directed and controlled by the Department of Education. One size fits all. Progressive indoctrination at the hands of an army of Kevin Jennings clones. Or else.

As the Romney campaign fumbles toward the nomination, never quite sealing the deal, the Real Winner in all of this just might be Anthony Kennedy.

Big Sis is monitoring our tweets. And Facebook postings. Included on the official list of DHS watchwords - "gas." (Uh oh, I'm in trouble now..) And "airport." And "cloud." But curiously, "mushroom" did not make the cut. Maybe next time. If there is a next time.

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

FYI, my neighbor runs a blog on politics and the DHS is following him.
I'm old enough to remember when America was the land of the free.