Thursday 26 April 2012

Are you sh*tting me?................from Rico

When I saw this first graph, my immediate reaction was for my 'inner' Lewis Black to say "you have GOT to be sh*tting me!"
- Look at the red line. It represents BLS manipulated reporting the books.

- It allows the politicians, the Fed, and the MSM to all lie with a straight face and point to the phoney numbers and say "See? Things aren't near as bad as they were in the Great Depression, and besides, the Recession is over and employment is getting better."

Only a moron (sadly about half the voting population) would believe this data, or the ones feeding it to them 24/7 non-stop.

Compare the 'official' red line % of unemployment to the second graph from SGS (Shadow Government Statistics) showing actual unemployment % ......which is WORSE than the Great Depression from the first graph.

Of course, government drones and graduates of government-run schools are incapable of interpreting this as anything but a smashing success and good news. They read it in the paper and see it on TV. Must be true. Yay!
- More of the same! (Well, it IS an election year).

The rest of us who pay attention to the numbers and do not have to step into the shower to count to '21' know better. Here are some real vice magical numbers:
- There are 243 million working-age Americans.
- There are 142 million employed Americans (and not all are employed full-time, only 41.6% of working-age Americans have full-time jobs).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great article. I used a similar phrase as yours today about the Obama campaign from a Seinfeld episode:

George Costanza's advice for the President: “Barack, just remember: It’s not a lie if you believe it.”