Sunday 8 April 2012

Cory Wheelabrator what do we know?

West Norfolk Council mounts legal challenge over incinerator plan funding

They operate several incinerators in the US, I was wondering if any of our readers live near one and if so what impact it has has on the local area. In a referendum 93% of the local population voted against it, sadly Norfolk County Council don't seem to believe in democracy!


Terry said...

My oldest son is an assistant power operator for Wheelabrator's plant in Washington State, that plant burns 200 ton of refuse with the aid of natural gas per day and generates 26 megawatts of power from that same garbage. For lack of capacity they turn away garbage.

I anticipate a new plant will be built at our local landfill site in Northern Idaho within the next few years. Everyday the stench of methane hovering over the landfill pit rivals that of any pulp mill during a heat wave. The methane can be captured and used to help burn garbage in the new plant.

All waste is classified, separated and disposed in a manner agreed upon with well funded, politically connected opponents who constantly monitor the existing plant for environmental violations, all in an effort to shut the Washington plant down, while never offering viable solutions.


Theo Spark said...

Thanks Terry