Wednesday 25 April 2012

Islamic Dan Friedman

[9/11 was the Islamist’s Pearl Harbor, their declaration of war against America, Israel and the values of the West. But that’s where the analogy ends. During WWII, German- and Japanese-Americans’ sympathies (if any) for their homeland were either officially suppressed or self-censored, while today’s defiant Islamists have refused to back down and since 9/12 have been on the offensive out in the open and in our own back yard. Hiding behind our sacrosanct shield of “religion,” and abetted by the fantasies, biases and naiveté of Western “experts,” Islam has no reason to be shy and every incentive to spit in our faces. Only question is, willful or unknowing, will our misguided collaboration with them ever end? df]

What happens in Cairo...

By Caroline Glick

I don't mean to be rude or anything but do Western policy analysts think we are stupid?

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