
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Jaws of Death...................from Rico

See the widening "gap" at the far right of this chart?
- Well forget about "Black Swans" These are the jaws of financial death.

It signals the unfolding demise of the Dollar, and of the entire financial system that is derivative of that Dollar.
- Because 60-70% of Central Bank reserves are Dollar-denominated, the inevitable collapse of this paper fiat currency will bring everything crashing down with it. [Note: There has NEVER been a fiat currency that has not eventually failed. This time will not be different or avoidable.]

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
- The Dollar has been 'falling' for quite a while (well, since 1913 actually), but the day is coming when it will not be able to get back up.

1 comment:

PacRim Jim said...

"There has NEVER been a fiat currency that has not eventually failed."

There never has been anything that has not eventually failed.
Why should a fiat currency be the exception?