Sunday 8 April 2012

John Derbyshire Goes Over the Side at National Review

National Review has fired John Derbyshire.

I'm not sure whey he wrote the essay, about having a race talk with his kids, but he set off a huge debate all over the Internet. Forget Trayvon Martin. A conservative speaks truth to leftist power and that's it ... off the plank.

See: "John Derbyshire Cut Loose at National Review..."

And for some additional late-night reading, see Robert Stacy McCain, "Profiles in Narcissism: Charles Johnson Blinded by His Own Self-Righteousness."


Randall said...

Everybody I know with kids has had "the talk" with them.
Derbyshire made the mistake of telling the truth, which nobody wants to hear.

Toejam said...

"Derbyshire made the mistake of telling the truth, which nobody wants to hear."

Randall, with all due respect:

Ya mean, No Obama hugging Liberal wants to hear.

Bruce Wayne said...

I read the article. Sounds OK to me