Wednesday 18 April 2012

Media noise, signifying nothing....from Rico

Yeah, our vaunted "progressive" media (MSM) which has long-ago abandoned any pretense of doing their job as journalists to openly become flacks and media whores in the service of "progressive socialism' [read: Communism] have been two-faced in their reportage of everything for years now...starting with that closet-Commie called the 'most trusted man in America' Walter Cronkite of Tet Offensive "we have now lost the war" fame.

Working for your own money = BAD, getting your money handed to you = GOOD.

This segues into "the Greatest Generation" vs. "the Grifter Generation" (I most often call them the sh*ttiest generation).
- The Greatest Generation survived the Great Depression and WWII.
- The Grifter Generation is thriving by sucking on the public tit [read: taxpayer's].

Rosie the Riveter has morphed into Rosie-give-me-free-condoms.
- This is NOT progress, but it IS 'progressive.'

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