Sunday 29 April 2012

The pizza problem? No problem!...............from Rico

I have really enjoyed eating primal, eating like a hunter-gatherer. I have never felt better or been in better physical shape since "giving up" (more like "throwing away") all the processed-refined stuff that was killing me in slow-motion.
- Changing from a carbohydrate/sugar-burning to a protein/fat-burning body chemistry is the secret. And NO it is not a diet, it IS a lifestyle change and a way of life. Instead of paying General Mills, Betty Crocker, et al for the privilege of gaining weight and shaving years off my life, I'm a leaner fat-burning machine...easily keeping the 'lost' weight off and leading a more active/happier life.

I have detoxified myself from the agribusiness-processed-food carbohydrate culture, thanks to Mark Sisson's "Mark's Daily Apple" blogsite.
- The man is genius.

Still, there is one 'ringer' for me, one small 'problem.'
- I grew up eating pizza, absolutely love the stuff, and still get a 'craving' for it now and then...full of processed flour, etc, as it is.

Today, instead of throwing a frozen pizza into the microwave or running to Pizza Hut and buying a pizza, I used what I had on hand and saved money, gas, time, and (drumroll)....the pizza problem.
- I just finished making, and eating, eggplant pizza bites. Great taste, satisfying, and far healthier than Pizza Hut (and no box to throw away afterwards).

Eggplant Pizza Bites:
- preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
- slice the eggplant into 1/4-1/2 inch thick slices, peel the edges.
- coat both sides of the eggplant slices with olive oil.
- bake on a sheet for about 4 minutes each side.
- top with pizza sauce, garnish with black olive slices, sprinkle with garlic powder & oregano, then shredded parmesan cheese.
- when the cheese has melted, you're good-to-go!

Gee, when I was a kid if I had been eating this stuff instead of traditional Pizza-the-Hut, I would not have once flirted with looking like Jabba-the-hut!
- This big kid loves this recipe, and I bet your wee ones will too!

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