Saturday 12 May 2012

MSM Obama reelection campaign shifts into high gear on Romney "bullying" story! Mike Haltman at TPC

The media-arm of the Obama reelection campaign hits the trail running with the "serious" allegations of Romney as a high school bully!

High school bully?

Not just a high school bully but, according to a 5000+ word article in the Washington Post, Romney bullied a classmate who was suspected of being gay.
  • Was this alleged bullying of his high school classmate, if true, wrong? Yes! 
  • Would this bullying have shown an intolerance for lifestyles different than his own? Most certainly!
  • Would such an episode be worthy of inspection in the process of vetting a presidential candidate? Of course! 
  • If proven true would such an incident make Romney and his campaign for president a non-starter? 
  • Absolutely not as actions young people engage in are not necessarily good indicators of who they will become when they mature into adulthood!
As an example of past youthful indiscretions not impacting the quest for political office look at two names from recent history where errors in judgement did not disqualify them from continued service to their country later in life.

In fact, for reasons known only to the voting public, these episodes were for the most part ignored.
  1. Did the actions taken, or not taken, by Ted Kennedy that fateful night at the Dike Bridge on Chappaquidick Island disqualify him from a long career as the Senator from Massachusetts?
Read the rest of the article at The Political Commentator here.

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