Wednesday 30 May 2012

Watcher's Council "Greece, Spain and Syria on the brink" Edition!...from Mike Haltman at TPC


The Watcher's Council: Over 30 articles from some of the top conservative bloggers around the world and all in one easy to read location!
If it's Wednesday (and sometimes early Thursday) that can mean only one thing! That the time has come for the weekly collection of article nominations at the Watcher's Council to make themselves known!

This week’s Watcher's Council article offerings are dedicated to some of the crises that have the potential to come to a head at any time.

The Eurozone as a whole, save for Germany, is in the throes of severe recession with Greece and Spain serving as the current flash points for bankruptcy, sovereign default (not the first time for Greece, only the most recent) and the potential for even more severe social unrest.

These countries could quickly upset the charade that EU leaders are attempting to foist on the world which is that by throwing more money at these countries and in return getting promises for fixing their fiscal houses, that somehow the problem will be solved there. That likely won't happen and even if it did the problems with the rest of the PIIGS will still exist.

In Syria the slaughter of women and children by the al-Assad government shows no signs of abating with the only constant being that of Obama administration inaction to help stop it.

Where the President was quick to step in during the relatively non-violent "Arab Spring" in Egypt that resulted in what will likely be a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of the government there, he is MIA in the bloodbath occurring in Syria.

The only difference that I see for the urgency in Egypt was that Mubarak was a friend of the U.S. and Israel so apparently, at least according to the Obama administration he had to go, whereas al-Assad is anti-U.S. and anti-Israel so his ouster seems to be far less urgent...

To read these 30+ articles and to find out more about the Watcher's Council visit The Political Commentator here

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