Wednesday 13 June 2012

EUroland? Sans soucis [no worries]..............from Rico

As EUroland takes the well-beaten path of financial suicide...try and forget Spain. Watch Italy.

Three months? Naww...Italy may have two weeks, since "it is already where Spain is heading."

Don't take it from me, but heed David Powell a Bloomberg economist:
- "Italy would probably be forced into a bailout if faced with another two weeks like the last seven days. The bad news for Italy is that their debt is already as large as Spain's may become."

But, "no worries" as they say.
- In a few weeks the deep-thinkers will have another meeting in Brussels which will once again only benefit Belgian caterers.

To cheer you up, let me share a thought by British writer A.A. Gill with you which should put the EUropean debacle into context:
- "Europe is an allegory for the ages of man. You are born Italian, relentlessly infantile and mother-obsessed. In childhood you are English: chronically shy, tongue-tied, clique-ish, and only happy kicking balls or pulling the legs off things. Teenagers are French: pretentiously philosophical, embarrassingly vain, ridiculously romantic yet simultaneously insecure. During middle-age we become either Irish and fun-loving, or Swiss and serious. Old age is German: ponderous, pompous and pedantic. And finally, we regress into being Belgian, with no idea where we are at all."

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