Thursday 28 June 2012

Lies. Truth................from Rico


Obama (Soetoro) in his own words:
- Health care "mandate is not tax."
- "Health care should never be purchased with tax increases on Middle Class families."

- $813 billion in HIGHER TAXES proceeds.

It's been a GREAT 236 years...but unless people are ready to dump some tea this November, the party is over (and the Party begins).

1 comment:

Ken Mitchell said...

Shortly after I retired from the US Navy, I started my own "business" as a computer teacher and consultant; power user, jack-of-all-trades-on-a-PC, sort of thing. In the mid 1990's. I have a fairly old gent as a private client; he had been in the Soviet Army for 30 years, but when it became possible to leave, he - a Jew - took his family and escaped to California. We would occasionally chat about how it felt to have the nation that he served suddenly vanish and become something else.

Since 1993, I've felt that way myself; the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, died the death of a thousand cuts and turned into something "else" that was still CALLED the United States of America, but which no longer WAS the USA.

The laws had changed, and morals had changed, and standards had changed. I knew how my old customer had felt, only for me, it was not that I had left my country; my country had left ME. This is not the USA that I grew up in, no longer the nation that I spent 21 years defending. Gone, as Margaret Mitchell wrote, "with the wind".