Saturday 2 June 2012

Spout................from Brian

I do get a bit prolific when I have an agenda, I do so despise when my God Given rights are subjugated. I do get a bit miffed when others bow down to tyranny. I will not, I know my rights I know my constitution, I know when I am being forced, thing is,, every day we are forced to bow down to the BETTERS we elected,, that is completely opposite of what our founders envisioned. WE THE PEOPLE,, are the highest law of the land. That is how it was written LOL so shall it be,\. And yet,, ok for example. in 1950 if a man wanted to build a chicken coup on his property he built it,, he then had the responsibility to maintain or he lost chickens,,

Go ahead,, try to build one now,, we are regulated to death,, can you imagine if a government official went to the 1950 farmer and spouted.. I for one think the bastard would be running for his life,, but now,, we bow down pay a fee to those that know better and ,,,and,, by the time we finally have what we wanted,, it now costs more paying the regulation fee than it would have just going to a store..

Free Men? Since when? Government slithered into every aspect of our lives slowly insidiously and without a word said,, Our Masters now dictate how we,, WE A so called Free people live.

Brian in Florida

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easy on the commas there my man.