Friday 15 June 2012

Syria is imploding...............from Chris R

Over the last week, there have been 50 articles describing a rapidly deteriorating situation at all levels:

-Inside Syria: Syrian army and the rebels have taken the gloves off. No holds barred anymore. FSA has renounced the Annan plan and is arming. Syrian army is using heavy weapons for unrestricted violence. It has mobilized its thugs for the worst atrocities.

-Regionally: SA, Turkey, Iran are heavily supporting their respective factions within the country. Lebanon has been drawn in to the violence. The only hopeful sign is that Iraq has not been drawn in. Israel seems to be staying out.

-Globally: US/NATO vs Russia, China. Positions and rhetoric have hardened significantly. Annan’s UN plan is empty of any force or moral authority and will be dead shortly. There is no “Plan B” peace initiative in the works.

Its looking like this is not going to end well. 50-50 chance this becomes a full fledged sectarian civil war with regional and global proxies.

BTW, some musical accompaniment as we watch events unfold:

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