Friday 29 June 2012

Tax Barons..................from Rico

Justice Roberts is the best thing that has happened to SCOTUS in a long time.
- As Chief Justice, he played chess while the "progressives" played checkers. His thinking will be a positive force for the Republic for a century.

- He defanged (I've also read "gutted") Congressional overreach via the Commerce Clause and strengthened States Rights under the enumerated powers argument.

- Well played, sir!

The "progressives" had both cheeks slapped resoundingly...but have so far been too stupidly smug to realize it. yet.
- When the facts of this ruling "sink in" the Harry Pelosi's and Nancy Reids of Congress will not be smiling. It'll be "fun" then to watch them hit the ctrl+alt+panic button!!

And, he makes a very good point:
- We elected these sociopathic morons, if we want to seriously change anything we have to un-elect them. This includes the current "no new taxes" Barry who my revealed as the biggest liar and taxer in our history.

I think I'll have some broccoli for lunch.
- Because I CAN, not because I HAVE to!


Zundfolge said...

He may have gutted the commerce clause but he just handed the federal government more power than the commerce clause could ever be stretched to give them.

Basically he did the equivalent of putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger to get rid of a brain tumor.

Yay! He cured cancer! He's a genius! NOT!

Cargosquid said...

He could have done the exact same thing while killing Obamacare. Torturing the language and stretching precedent to prevent "his" court from looking "partisan" or himself is BS.