Tuesday 19 June 2012

What "inflation​?".....................from Rico

"Move along now. Nothing to see here.
- Nope, there really IS no inflation because...er, because we say so."

This is the universal mating call of Central Bankers world-wide...at least Keynesian Central Bankers.
- Austrian-school economists know better.
- So do the BRIC's who are accumulating piles of PM's (precious metals) just as fast as the Western cartel continues to manipulate prices as a 'cover' for their policies of stupidity and folly. [read: Western Central Banks print paper money; BRIC Central Banks buy physical Gold.]

Take a close LOOK at the first chart. This illustrates the "inflation" we ostensibly do NOT have. We have NEVER had inflation. And we have always been at war with Eurasia. [h/t to Orwell's "1984"]
- One thing it positively screams is "lookout below!" since you can see we do not have very far to go until we reach the intrinsic value of ...in complicated economic jargon, forgive me here...effing 'worthless.'

Looking at the two charts for PM's tells a story, too. It is the polar opposite of the Central Bank story.
- I think any idiot (Princeton, orHarvard educated, or merely good at smiling with good teeth and hair that photograph well...yes I mean career politicians) can see that they have much farther to rise in future.

For all three charts, no, these are not straight lines, but follow your friend....the trend.
- Figure it out for yourself, and bear in mind one simple fact: "if their lips are moving, they are lying."You know who I refer to.

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