Thursday 28 June 2012


Chief Justice Roberts: “It Is Not Our Job to Protect the People From the Consequences of Their Political Choices”

H/T Doverthere


Sigivald said...

He's right.

The Supreme Court's job is to uphold Constitutional laws and void Unconstitutional ones.

It's not to void Constitutional-but-foolish ones, or to uphold Unconstitutional-but-otherwise-wise ones.

I'm pleased they rejected the Commerce Clause argument completely, as they should have.

And the Tax Power argument is, as I understand it, completely sound as a matter of the Constitution.

The ACA is a bad idea, but stopping bad ideas is a matter for the Legislative Branch, not the Judicial.

The Judicial Branch is not supposed to make policy.

LifeoftheMind said...

THe tax argument was invented out of whole cloth during oral arguments as a third level fallback by the White House. The clear legislative history, everything said by the Congresscritters and Senators and by Obama and his defenders about this bill to get it enacted was unambiguous that it was not to be considered or defended as a tax measure. It was not written as a tax measure or passed under the rules relating to tax measures. If it is now magically transformed into a tax measure and there is no restraint on the power of the Congress to tax any person any amount under any flimsy excuse, creating separate classes of people liable to punitive measures, then there is no protection for anyone under the Law.

Scott said...

The Supreme court had the opportunity to stop the bastardization of our constitution. Roberts decided to punt...We have turned away from the vision of the founders in writing our Constitution. We are running headlong into socialism while simultaneously bankrupting ourselves in the process...And yet, Roberts is proud of his juris-prudence...