Wednesday 11 July 2012

Distrust. Gold. Pyrates................from Rico

Seriously, there is rampant DISTRUST today. Distrust of markets, regulators, banks, central banks, fiat currency, governments, the financial media, Wall Street, the City of London...I could go on, but you get the idea.
- Who in their right mind would trust these demonstrably incompetent, inept, untrustworthy, and arguably criminal enterprises?

The demand for physical Gold mirrors and reflects distrust in a financial establishment that is overleveraged and fraudulent.
- There will be NO bear market for Gold until the markets quit their headless chicken dance and can trade on unmanipulated fundamentals instead of rumors/hope for more QE...and until governments start to represent the people instead of a very few well-connected cronies.

Given that none of this appears likely (or even possible) in the near-term or mid-term, the prudent mariner is best served by holding physical bullion and ignoring the gusts of 'wind' breaking from the very pyrates responsible for sailing us into the reefs and shoals.

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