Tuesday 3 July 2012

Queer, Muslim, and Proud!

This has turned into quite a development.

Toronto Queer Muslims
See: "Toronto's Homosexual Muslims Would Be Hanged in Tehran and Beheaded in Riyadh."

UPDATED: You gotta love the Mao communists at a "gay pride" parage, jeez: "More From Toronto's Homosexual Pride Parade 2012."

Now, wouldn't you now it, but the lady in the burka is pushing back against being "shamed." She's got Tumbler, "Stop shaming me for being queer and Muslim."

I'm going to read up on the "pinkwashing" she's alleging at that post, but she never does address the issue I raised, which is that she'd likely be executed in Iran or Saudi Arabia, among other fanatical Islamist regimes.

PHOTO CREDIT: Blazing Cat Fur.

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