Sunday 1 July 2012

SCORCHING. NEWS. WEATHER. GRILLING...................from Rico

- Both the NEWS and the WEATHER...

Matt Drudge's headlines this morning were:
- Land hurricane leaves 13 dead. Millions without power.
- Cell phone service crashes in DC area.
- Train passengers stranded 20 hours.
- Gas stations packed, run dry.
- DC to be dark for days.
- Union workers strike during historic heatwave. [Consolidated Edison in NYC]

Triple digits for me (and many-many others) once again today. Frosbite Falls (International Falls on the Minnesota-Canada border if you never watched "Rocky & Bullwinkle") at 90 is almost the same temp as Miami at 92. Yeeeesh!
- Current 'heat map' attached.
- Forecast is for temps here to be down to the mid-high 80's by end of week. That will seem cool.

No, I won't be 'cooking' in the kitchen. Makes the house hot.
- I think some "Thai" marinated skewers on the grill sound good. Makes me 'wish' I had some Singha beer, but this will work with ANY cold, make that frosty-cold beer!

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