Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Disease of Progressivism: Bill Moyers' Over-the-Top Gun Control Rant After Aurora

I'm not embedding the video. It's disgusting.

But my response is worth sharing, so check it out: "In Bizarre, Bitter Diatribe, Washed-Up Leftist Bill Moyers Attacks United States as 'Arsenal of Death'."

Bill Moyers is so over the top he's about blast off to Mars. What a freak! He's contemptuous of the Constitution and he completely ignores the real facts of gun violence in this country, which I've discussed here in recent days. He rants about how the U.S. used to be the "arsenal of democracy" but is now the "arsenal of death." And he attacks the NRA as death's "enabler ... paranoid, delusional, and as venomous as a scorpion."

A complete asshole.


Pat Rag said...

Wow, you're the one out of touch and no doubt a fully paid up mouth piece for the NRA.

The NRA in it's turn is the mouth piece for weapons manufacturers who rely on the US domestic market for profits, particularly in peace time.

When common sense suggests that a ban on automatic weapons within city limits would be reasonable the NRA won't give an inch. Weapon sales are more important than American lives.

Toejam said...

Dear Pat Rag,

Common sense, which undoubtedly your genetic make-up lacks, tells us that stricter laws regarding anything will not stop activities to circumvent the laws. Heck your Liberal pals in the ACLU are calling for the laws on illegal drugs to be lowered or abolished altogether. How many crack-heads kill people every year? Lots.

Chicago has one of the toughest had gun laws in the country, but in the 1st 6 months of this year more Chicago residents (288) have been killed by hand guns than were U.S. Military personnel in Afghanistan.

Naive, Liberal bloviating about how strict laws will somehow stop or even lessen the murder rate by guns is nonsense.

PS: Yes I'm an NRA member, a former U.S. Marine, spent 8 years in law enforcement and a gun owner. I happen to love guns and target shooting. My last and ONLY scrape with the law was in 1961 when a NJ State Trooper gave me a speeding ticket for doing 68 mph in a 60 mph zone on the Garden State Parkway. Try doing 68 mph on that road today and you'll be rammed off the road in a heartbeat.