Friday 14 September 2012

Happy days are here again!...................from Rico

The US equities markets are flying high, celebrating the Fed's QE III decision.
- Whoopee!!!

Happy days are here again.
- Or ARE they?

For those who cannot recall (or are recent gooberment-skool/teachers-union graduates/victims and have absolutely no freakin' CLUE) this seems a lot like 1930 before the hard reality of the market crash of 1929 sank in.

Under the Fed's 'target' inflation rate, the US working stiff has taken a 30% 'haircut' per decade.
- Inflation from 1990-1999 was 27.5%
- Inflation from 2000-2009 was 24.6%

I think we'll start to see 30% inflation per year, maybe more. Much more.
- The US will look back upon today as the 'good old days.'


Take Zimbabwe, for example.
- The Z$ was established in 1980 at par to US$1.54.
- By 1997, inflation had reduced the Z$ to 10-cents US. But that was 'only' regular inflation, like the example above.
- March 2007 saw hyperinflation start.
- By 2008 the Z$ was useless for any transactions.
- January 2009 saw the issue of the Z$ 100-trillion note, and also marked the death of the currency. The people said "screw this" and started using the US$ and the South African Rand, abandoning the Z$.
- The result? 'Targeted inflation' reduced Zimbabwe's per capita GDP to 1950's levels.

And everyone blubbers: B-b-b-b-b-b-but unlike Zimbabwe, Western Governments and Central Bankers KNOW what they are doing!!!!!
- Riiiiiiiight.

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