Monday 10 September 2012

Remember the ATC strike?...................from Rico

Chicago teacher's union strikes.
- Average pay of $76,000 per year BEFORE benefits isn't enough for them.
- Neither was a 16% raise.

These porkers want even MORE.
- Look at the photo before you judge me...they obviously aren't missing too many meals!

I remember the Air Traffic Controllers strike back in the day.
- They were ALL fired and replaced.

There are a lot of talented unemployed folks who want to work availalbe. Hmmmmmmm...
- Fire all these useless cows and replace them?

Well, not likely under Commissar Rohm Enamel, and even LESS likely since there is no real President in office right now both of these jokers confuse 'talking' with 'doing'...much like these teachers confuse showing up for work with doing productive work.
- Being 'present' is a lot like voting 'present'...useless.


Anonymous said...

Rahm doesn't send his precious darlings to ordinary, troubled public schools; they go to the tony, and exclusive Lab School for $25k/year each.

Bob's Blog said...

Linked here:

Anonymous said...

Make a list of the teachers on strike. Fire every 10th person on that list.