Wednesday 10 October 2012

100% truth & fact-chall​enged............from Rico

The numbers being fed to us by Government apparatchiks and their MSM lapdogs are all lies. The books are officially cooked.
- Let's just ignore the blatantly fake BLS jobs report conveniently dropping the unemployment rate to 7.8%(compare that to shadowstat's 23.7% unemployment rate for example) just-in-time for the coming election and look at some other equally phoney 'official' numbers. Let's talk inflation.

John Williams of is the only one dealing with facts these days, and not some make-believe fantasy.
- If you measured inflation the way it was done in 1990 you would have an inflation rate of 5% today.
- If you measured inflation the way it was done in 1980 you would have an inflation rate of 9% today.

But, a truth and fact 'challenged' government tells us inflation today is just under 2%.
- The only ones who 'believe' this don't buy groceries and put gasoline in their cars (like the folks with 'free' EBT cards) or bureauRats, and complete morons.

Inflation is going to get worse, and there will be even higher prices ahead.

Meanwhile, the Fed and Weimar Ben say never-ending QEternity is AOK because we have a "low inflation" environment right now, and that "prices are very stable."
- Now pull the other one.

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