Sunday 28 October 2012

Backfire...........................from Dan Friedman

[Voila! Obama was trying to make his bones with the Muslim world from the minute he got the keys to the Oval Office. And he’s been pushing on that string straight up till today – at our country’s expense. That goes a long way to explain Obama’s obfuscations after the Benghazi attack: He wanted to steer Americans away from the conclusion it was another Jihadist attack, and instead, sent us a wild goose chase to pin the carnage on an amateurish American video that “insulted” the Ummah. NB: Imagine if our corrupt media was doing its job instead of running interference for Barack Hussein Obama. Or conversely, imagine if we didn’t have a few honest reporters left (and the new media) to blow the lid off this scandal. Let’s be grateful for those meager blessings. Then remember that if we give the man another fours years to rule from the White House we’re likely to lose even that. df]

Times of Israel, 10/28/12

Obama offered to reestablish full ties with Iran, Israeli paper reports

Israel was told about and opposed president’s diplomatic incentives package, initiated soon after he took office, and Iran rebuffed it, according to Maariv

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