Saturday 6 October 2012

Fabulous at 43! Gwen Stefani Looks Youthful as She Celebrates Her Birthday With Family Dinner

Man, all these women in their 40s looking absolutely gorgeous. Amazing!

See: "Gwen Stefani Steps Out in Sleek Black Jumpsuit as She Celebrates 43rd Birthday."


drew458 said...

yup, sure is hard looking good when you have a live-in personal trainer or two, several of Hollywood's top makeup and hair people at your beck and call, top designers eager to GIVE you their clothes to wear, a host of nannies to handle your children, accountants to handle your money, maids and cooks to handle your house ... what else does this woman have to do all day besides pamper her body and work out just enough?

Toejam said...


It's all relative.

When you're 70, women in their 60's look awesome!